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WE-GO (Westtown-Goshen Rotary Club)
WE-GO Community Projects

Members and Guest Volunteers are dedicated to giving service and working on community facing projects together. 

"One Profits Most Who Serves Best."  

We often partner with other organizations in the region.  If you are looking for ways to get involved and give back to the community, WE-GO may be a good place for you to begin.  

Giving of Service

We have a great mix of members representing various vocations and interest areas.  We come together to work together - to make a difference in the lives of others.  

WE-GO meets Thursday evenings at 6PM-7:30PM with a hybrid online/in person format.  Once a month, we have a community facing program, service program and fellowship/networking program.  We measure our success by what we accomplish - not the time we spend meeting.  Thus, our motto is WE-GO Works! 

In person, we meet at Timothy's Restaurant, Parkway Shopping Center allowing us to network before and after the meeting. 

For those who can't make the in person meeting, you can join our ZOOM MEETING   At 6PM each Thursday. 

WE-GO requires membership to vote and participate in member only functions.  Our membership fees cover Rotary International, Region and District Activities.

You can join us online and many of our community events for free.  Our annual membership fee is $150, discounted from the normal fee of $280 per year.   

Quick facts about WE_GO

WE-GO was founded in 1975.  

WE-GO offers a free dinner and drinks to any prospective member who visits our meeting.

WE-GO offers prospective members a discounted membership fee of $150 from $280 per year.   

WE-GO raises more money per capita than any other club in District 7450.  

WE-GO hosts the Halloween Train Ride, Souperbowl Tail Gate, Bag Bingo, Duck Race and annual service projects including Rise Against Hunger, 926 Street Cleanup, Tree Planting and Park Cleanups.